
Explore the Programs at Miami Dade College

procurement management employees cheeringfor a job well done.

Program Overview

Supply chain management is an interdisciplinary field that emphasizes cross-functional integration of diverse business functions, facilities, and activities and seeks to manage those activities to enhance a company’s competitive advantage. The Advanced Technical Certificate (ATC) in Procurement Management is designed for current and pre-professionals interested in working in purchasing, project management, contracting, and supply chain management.

Quick Program Highlights

  • Preparation for Certification Exam

    Prepares students to be current with industry trends through the Next Level Purchasing Association (NLPA) with the opportunity to earn the CPOS (Certified Procurement Operations Specialist) Certification covering essential procurement skills.

  • Stack Credentials and Earn Additional Degrees

    All courses for the ATC are a part of the BAS in Supply Chain Management with a Concentration in Procurement Management.

  • Short Program

    This program takes 1 year or less.

Estimated tuition cost:
Program credits:
Estimated time to complete:

Program Details

Procurement Management is an in-demand program with competitive salaries and high employment rate. The ATC prepares students to be current with industry trends and become NLPA certified.

Areas of Study:
  • Purchasing
  • Inventory and Warehouse Management
  • Procurement for Major Projects
  • Global Procurement Management
  • Purchasing for Industry
  • Operations Management

Program Location

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